Who is the program designed to help?
1. EPCP is a resource meant to assist individuals and families who have pets that they cannot take with them into temporary living facilities on Cape Cod. This can be a transitional home, shelter or any other type of housing situation. Most will be working with an Outreach Coordinator or other type of representative. Others will have true emergency needs which will force them to require help immediately. The ultimate goal is to establish a safe, reliable network of care for their pets so that they can concentrate on making their situation better.
What type of pets are in need of help?
1. Companion animals such as cats and dogs are the most common. But, occasionally there may be a bird or pocket pets such as rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, and even a fish or turtle. Who knows!
2. If there is anyone who has experience with exotics we encourage you to sign up a well.
How does it work?
10/2024 **We are currently working with BestyBnB, a national organization, to reach out to people who would like to sign up as foster families (paid or not), and other organizations that would like to be part of the Cape Cod network. Once this partnership if fully established, the processes below will be changed. Please visit this page to learn more!
1. Currently, donations go into a fund for assistance with various needs. These range everything from Partner services to pet supplies and housing. If you wish your donation to be used for something specific, you can note in when you donate via the link below. You can also contact us after you make a donation to let us know how you would like your donation to be used.
2. When a situation arises, the person in need, or their representative, reaches out to Partners to make a plan. EPCP can assist as needed, but is not solely responsible for this process. If there is not an established EPCP Partner available, then any business or organization can be used. (Once we have a network of Partners, an online database will be added to make it easier for all.)
3. After a plan of care is established, EPCP is notified and the funds are then paid directly from the fund to the Partners or businesses.
4. If a pet goes directly to a foster family or foster facility, we strongly urge Agreements signed by both parties. If you are in need of a copy emailed instead, please contact us. If going directly to a Foster Facility or other Partner, the owner or their representative may have to complete Agreements and paperwork for their services.
6. To help the public with fostering needs, we have set up a Facebook page, Cape Cod and South Shore Emergency Pet Care Connection which allows people to sign up for help, and to provide their help. If you would like to assist in some way, but do not have access to Facebook, please let me know and I will be happy to share to the Page for you to get you. If you are in need of help, but do not feel comfortable posting on Faceboook, please contact us to provide your information and I will also share to the Page for you.
How can I donate?
1. EPCP has a Fiscal Sponsor! Chappy and Friends is a wonderful national organization and is working with EPCP to ensure donations are processed and tax receipts are provided when donated immediately when given through Pledge. You can donate with a card, bank account, PayPal, Venmo and even a text! Please visit here to donate: Cape Cod Emergency Pet Care Program - Pledge *Please do NOT contact Chappy and Friends for Cape Cod fostering assistance*
2. You can also purchase something from this great artist and she will donate a portion to the EPCP. You can purchase a book or items from one of Evie's Place's stores and the proceeds from the sales will go to the fund. Or, you can contact us in regards to these unique antique items.
3. If you are interested in donating items, please do contact us and we will be happy to pick up (Cape only) and distribute them to those in need! All items must be new or in good condition, clean, bagged, labeled and separated by species.
General Questions
1. Does the Program offer anything else? Yes, we do have some food and some supplies available for those in need, so please ask. And, because we know that it difficult enough to find a home on Cape Cod when you have a pet, we are offering to pay for Canine Good Citizen classes and/or Certifications for the owners and pets of the EPCP if funds are available. This will add an additional positive "reference" when looking for a place to live. And it will also ensure that both owner and pet have the best life together as possible!
4. Are you in need of any other type of help? Yes, we would love to hear from anyone interested in helping in any way!
5. I am a business and would like to Sponsor the EPCP. or provide a fundraising event. Is this possible? Yes!! Please contact us and we will be happy to discuss this with you.
Did You Know?
1. Please check out the other Programs on the Cape that may be able to assist in other ways.
2. Take a moment to learn more about homelessness in Barnstable County.
3. And because there is a housing crisis on Cape Cod, as there is across the country, Housing Assistance Corporation's Workforce Housing Relief Fund and Homelessness Prevention is an important part of the big picture. The ability for people to find a stable, safe and affordable home IS the ultimate goal. We urge everyone to visit the site to learn more.
1. EPCP is a resource meant to assist individuals and families who have pets that they cannot take with them into temporary living facilities on Cape Cod. This can be a transitional home, shelter or any other type of housing situation. Most will be working with an Outreach Coordinator or other type of representative. Others will have true emergency needs which will force them to require help immediately. The ultimate goal is to establish a safe, reliable network of care for their pets so that they can concentrate on making their situation better.
What type of pets are in need of help?
1. Companion animals such as cats and dogs are the most common. But, occasionally there may be a bird or pocket pets such as rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, and even a fish or turtle. Who knows!
2. If there is anyone who has experience with exotics we encourage you to sign up a well.
How does it work?
10/2024 **We are currently working with BestyBnB, a national organization, to reach out to people who would like to sign up as foster families (paid or not), and other organizations that would like to be part of the Cape Cod network. Once this partnership if fully established, the processes below will be changed. Please visit this page to learn more!
1. Currently, donations go into a fund for assistance with various needs. These range everything from Partner services to pet supplies and housing. If you wish your donation to be used for something specific, you can note in when you donate via the link below. You can also contact us after you make a donation to let us know how you would like your donation to be used.
2. When a situation arises, the person in need, or their representative, reaches out to Partners to make a plan. EPCP can assist as needed, but is not solely responsible for this process. If there is not an established EPCP Partner available, then any business or organization can be used. (Once we have a network of Partners, an online database will be added to make it easier for all.)
3. After a plan of care is established, EPCP is notified and the funds are then paid directly from the fund to the Partners or businesses.
4. If a pet goes directly to a foster family or foster facility, we strongly urge Agreements signed by both parties. If you are in need of a copy emailed instead, please contact us. If going directly to a Foster Facility or other Partner, the owner or their representative may have to complete Agreements and paperwork for their services.
6. To help the public with fostering needs, we have set up a Facebook page, Cape Cod and South Shore Emergency Pet Care Connection which allows people to sign up for help, and to provide their help. If you would like to assist in some way, but do not have access to Facebook, please let me know and I will be happy to share to the Page for you to get you. If you are in need of help, but do not feel comfortable posting on Faceboook, please contact us to provide your information and I will also share to the Page for you.
How can I donate?
1. EPCP has a Fiscal Sponsor! Chappy and Friends is a wonderful national organization and is working with EPCP to ensure donations are processed and tax receipts are provided when donated immediately when given through Pledge. You can donate with a card, bank account, PayPal, Venmo and even a text! Please visit here to donate: Cape Cod Emergency Pet Care Program - Pledge *Please do NOT contact Chappy and Friends for Cape Cod fostering assistance*
2. You can also purchase something from this great artist and she will donate a portion to the EPCP. You can purchase a book or items from one of Evie's Place's stores and the proceeds from the sales will go to the fund. Or, you can contact us in regards to these unique antique items.
3. If you are interested in donating items, please do contact us and we will be happy to pick up (Cape only) and distribute them to those in need! All items must be new or in good condition, clean, bagged, labeled and separated by species.
General Questions
1. Does the Program offer anything else? Yes, we do have some food and some supplies available for those in need, so please ask. And, because we know that it difficult enough to find a home on Cape Cod when you have a pet, we are offering to pay for Canine Good Citizen classes and/or Certifications for the owners and pets of the EPCP if funds are available. This will add an additional positive "reference" when looking for a place to live. And it will also ensure that both owner and pet have the best life together as possible!
4. Are you in need of any other type of help? Yes, we would love to hear from anyone interested in helping in any way!
5. I am a business and would like to Sponsor the EPCP. or provide a fundraising event. Is this possible? Yes!! Please contact us and we will be happy to discuss this with you.
Did You Know?
1. Please check out the other Programs on the Cape that may be able to assist in other ways.
2. Take a moment to learn more about homelessness in Barnstable County.
3. And because there is a housing crisis on Cape Cod, as there is across the country, Housing Assistance Corporation's Workforce Housing Relief Fund and Homelessness Prevention is an important part of the big picture. The ability for people to find a stable, safe and affordable home IS the ultimate goal. We urge everyone to visit the site to learn more.